Why Your Facility Needs Multiple Repair Options
release date: 6/27/2016
tags: Machine Maintenance, Machine Repairs
You can’t schedule machinery malfunctions. Unfortunately, parts tend to give out at the most inconvenient times and it seems like the part you need is never the one that’s easy to come by. Your production facility hinges on everything working together, which is why you need multiple options when things break down. Failures aren’t one-size-fits-all, nor are the solutions. READ MORE

3 Times it's Smart to Hire an Engineering Consultant
release date: 6/20/2016
tags: Consulting
Hiring an engineering is a big decision. Bringing in an objective party to assess, monitor, and evaluate your facility can be both nerve-wracking and cost-effective, but using the right engineering consulting firm makes all the difference. Consulting is a big part of Protech International’s business model and clients turn to us time and again to help them get the most out of their equipment. READ MORE

Brand Spotlight: LAWECO
release date: 6/13/2016
tags: Brand Spotlights, LAWECO
Protech is proud to be a stateside distributor of LAWECO lifts and tables. LAWECO, headquartered in Germany, is Europe’s leading manufacturer of individual lifting solutions, renowned for their quality and dedication to service. READ MORE

Let Protech Help You Solve Your Replacement Parts Dilemma
release date: 6/6/2016
tags: Machine Maintenance, Manufacturing, Replacement Parts
Finding the right replacement part for a piece of heavy machinery can be a tall order. Even under the best circumstances, parts break all the time, particularly when their functionality is repetitive. READ MORE

Brand Spotlight: Wemhöner
release date: 5/17/2016
tags: Brand Spotlights, Wemhoner
Founded in the lowlands of Germany, Wemhöner is a family-owned machinery manufacturer specializing in wood-based paneling. Now in its third generation of family ownership, the Wemhöner company has stayed streamlined to provide consistent quality and innovation to the machinery and systems industries. READ MORE